01925 555567
07799 781804
Primary School Tutors - Maths & English tuition and SATs prep
Primary school is one of the most important times in a child’s development. It is here that they learn literacy and numeracy - foundational skills which they will continue to rely on for the rest of their lives. Expert primary school maths and English tuition can provide help they need to excel and gain these vital skills that will prepare them for the rest of their education.
Our primary school tutors are highly experienced and well aware of the impact that tuition can make on young children, bringing them the confidence they need to perform well in school as well as in their private maths and English tuition sessions.
Individually Prepared Tuition
Same tutor
each week
Your child is unique
Their tuition should be, too
Our carefully planned & individually prepared tuition will help your child reach their full potential, improving their confidence alongside their academic performance. This is no more true than in primary school where maths and English tuition must be engaging and supportive to have a real benefit for the child.
Every child is assessed regularly and provided with an Individual Tuition Plan written between the 3Rs Tuition Team and their KS1 or KS2 tutor.
Our primary school tuition assessments take place in all 5 tuition centres; Warrington, Widnes, Culcheth, Great Sankey and Lymm.
Call 01925 555567 to discuss how we can help your child or WhatsApp 07799 781804
Key Stage 1 Tuition
Our KS1 tuition, like all that we provide, focuses on the needs of the individual student. If feedback from schoolteachers has indicated the need for extra help, our primary tutors can identify how to help and provide the instruction and guided practice that is needed, be it in adding or subtracting; phonics or handwriting. Building up their confidence by covering work that is prepared especially for them at their ability level, in a low-pressure, supportive environment will help them excel at school too.
Our individually prepared KS1 maths and english tuition allows our tutors to cover work suited to their ability, which includes working at higher levels where appropriate. Pushing talented young students to do their best can begin with primary school tuition. Reigniting the spark of learning for students not challenged at school is one of the many benefits of English and maths tuition, and something we are more than happy to offer our KS1 students and up.
Key Stage 2 Tuition
KS2 English and maths Tuition is about building on the skills that students have already developed. One of our experienced primary tutors will work with your child each week, making them well placed to identify areas in the Maths or English curriculum which can most benefit from our tuition.
If support with English is needed, key skills that are assessed and catered for by our tutors include Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG), reading comprehension and inference, and independent and creative writing. Our primary school maths tutors will focus on topics including Four Operations, Mental Arithmetic including times tables, Measurement, Shape and fractions. Having a great understanding of these maths topics through tuition will leave them confident and prepared for the KS2 SATS tests and future secondary school maths lessons too.
In both of maths and English tuition sessions, we would cover exam technique for SATs as appropriate.
Our Tutors
Our expert tutors work with small groups of up to six students. By tutoring the same classes each week, they are ideally placed to get to know their students and understand how they work individually and in a group setting. With experience working with primary school children of all abilities, they can assess how to properly support your child's progress through primary school with patient tuition and guided practice.
All our KS1/KS2 tutors are selected for their expertise & knowledge of the Primary School National Curriculum. Ensuring that all children are taught the exact methodology that is required for their end of Primary School test is very much at the heart of tutoring we provide. Our primary school tutors will be able to recognise any gaps in knowledge and ensure they are working confidently across the board, in a stress-free supportive environment
How much will the tuition cost?
Primary school tuition can be paid for in weekly or monthly installments. The monthly prices shown are based on paying in advance. The following prices are for our small group tuition in Warrington, Widnes, Culcheth, Great Sankey and Lymm tuition centres. One to one online prices are also shown below. All tuition is subject to our terms and conditions.
All the centres are Ofsted registered and therefore it may be possible to get some help towards the fees. These are as follows
Tax Free Childcare - available to all working parents whose income is above 16 x the minimum wage and where both parents have an expected adjusted net income of less than £100,000. This can save parents 20% of the cost of the fees.
Childcare Vouchers - These are available via your employer. They are closed to new parents but many parents have retained their accounts and are still able to make savings using them.
Universal or Working Tax Credits - As we are Ofsted registered, you may be able to add the cost to your Tax Credit claims as we are After School Care Providers. The amount of help varies up to 85% of the total costs.
Children's Childcare Grant thought Student Finance - If you are in receipt of Student Finance, it may be possible to apply for a Childcare Grant for help towards up to 85% of childcare costs and this grant can be used towards the cost as we are registered as After School Care Providers.
Small group tuition - In centre or online
One to one & two to one online prices
Looking for grammar school entrance preparation or 11+ tuition?
Visit our dedicated 11+ page
Primary School Tuition at 3Rs
Got questions about our primary school tuition, our approach to maths and English or how we could help your child?
Whether its the SATs approaching that you're concerned about, schoolteachers who are worried about their progress or you simply want to sure they are getting the best possible education, please get in touch.